Saturday, 6 February 2010

Successful Advertisements aimed at Students

I am a student and I find that everywhere we go, we are hunted down by people on the streets who try to lure us gullable students into buying their products. If I am not hassled on the street, my letter box is abused by take away services and adverts of nights out in Leeds. We seem to be constantly exposed to advertising messages designed to make us believe we cannot live without a certain product or cannot miss a certain night out without the reputation of our social lives being hindered. I am so frustrated by these people who try to buy our love that I now ignore anyone who flaps a leaflet in front of my face and I will even pretend to be on the phone to avoid the eye contact with these evil people. However, I came across this advertisement that stands out as it is not distorting the truth to make the product seem better than it really is. Instead, it contains an honest, humorous photograph that students can relate to and may have even been subject to. It is more like a normal photograph taken by a student from a night out than an advert and I think this is what gives it so much appeal. It also tells you straight away who the product is aimed at, what it does and overall I think it is a very successful means of advertising.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Absolut success and a few disasters

Advertising can have such a huge impact on the product as it can either boost sales or even make a product unpopular. The best example of a product, which has become so popular due to its advertising campaign is Absolut Vodka. This campaign has been running nonstop for fifteen years, which, in advertising, is practically forever. The first Absolut advert appeared in 1980 giving birth to an award winning campaign centred upon the distinctive shape of the Absolut bottle, which appears in some form or another. It is now considered to be one of the most successful campaigns in the history of advertising. The main reason for its success is because it is such a versatile advert yet it is still always very distinctive as being an Absolut vodka product. They are full of wit, artistry , and imagination and I am so inspired by them that I created a few of my own, which can be seen on my website. Hundreds of these adverts now exist however I have discovered a fan site, which contains every single one ever made:

Advertising can also have the reverse effect and create a bad name for products. A recent example is A Tetley advert, which was banned by the TV watchdog for misleading viewers. In the commercial, a woman decides to drink a cup of green tea rather than go jogging and the words 'as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle' appear on screen. The ASA said the commercial breached codes dealing with evidence and accuracy because it implied health benefits without evidence to back up the claims.

One advertisement, which I particularly like because of its colloquial nature was sadly banned for its use of a swear word. So where the bloody hell are you? was an advertising campaign launched in 2006 by Tourism Australia created by the Sydney office of the London advertising agency M&C Saatchi. The campaign received a huge press coverage however despite this, it was soon deemed a failure and withdrawn. The reason behind this was it was banned by the Broadcast Advertising Clearance Centre in the United Kingdom because they would not allow the word “bloody” in television versions of the commercial. After watching it, it really made me want to visit Australia because the people in the advert seemed so friendly and welcoming and so it was a shame it had to be banned.