Friday, 25 November 2011


I used to think blogging was for people who had far too much time on their hands. After creating my own, I now understand why it has become so popular in the last few years and to some extent, an addiction. It has opened my eyes to the world around me and made me connect with others who share my interests. On a daily basis, I am constantly searching my surroundings for creative ideas whether it being on the streets or at my university. Even whilst at the supermarket, I am always searching the shelves for good design and often I will try a product just because of its appealing packaging.

My creative blog contains a wide variety of design as I am interested in many areas. This reflects my versatile approach to my practical artwork where I am constantly changing the media I use. Although there are specific jobs out there for design and I realise that one day I am going to have to narrow it down to one, I think it is still good to be open minded and look at all aspects of design. I also want to comment on design I do not like and also look at the controversy design has caused in the past, hence the title, ‘The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.’

Although I consider myself a fine artist, I seem to be more interested in advertising. My passion for it can be seen by the abundance of advertisements in my blog and for this reason, I am considering moving into that direction in terms of a career.